Expat Wealth

British investors look to asia for property investment options

The British are increasingly looking for a property in the Asia-Pacific now, according to a study of its UK-based asset management of Aviva Investors.

Aviva surveyed institutional investors, pension consultants, asset managers and independent financial advisers at its annual conference in London properties identified and that would be 74 percent likely to buy a property abroad within the next three years, with Asia-Pacific, which offers the best for future returns .

“Real estate is an important asset class for investors in the long term, but the questions recently about whether it made a value after the rally left in this year in the UK, ” said Ian Hally, Asia-Pacific Chief Executive of Aviva Investors, adding that more investors are “looking beyond their borders.”

“Asian economies seem able to better, to recover their Western counterparts to make investment in real estate in the region particularly convincing that became less dependent on debt in the last decade in politics, economy and people. This should be an increased demand for investor and occupier to lead. “

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